My own website
Hmm I think the time has come for me to get my own website. I mean firstly I have all these kits I am making and no where for them to be sold for now LOL. Secondly I just want to. Ha ha. I want to learn the workings of setting up a website, etc. And I personally as a customer like when designers have their own website where I can find their blogs, their new kits, their LOs and CT LOs. I just like seeing more about and hearing about what's new with designers. So maybe one day someone will care enough to look at my stuff. And again, it would be nice to have my stuff for sale somewhere! Of course if I could light a fire under Sabrina's tail to get her site up, I could throw my stuff in there. Sabrina, I know you're reading this- start the site!!! :) Part of me dreads it all because me and my extremely indecisive nature know that making the graphics, etc will be really hard for me to decide on. And on a side note, since Trish's blog is here in the background, I love these cute little girlie's from Dawn. How cute Trish's new hawt mama is! Dawn, you really are talented. So whenever I get paid from 3S, which should be sometime soon I am going to get a year's worth of website. Any good suggestions for a server? Hmm...
I have been admiring your creations for a while and you are creating fantastic creations! I can't wait to see where you decide to sell... heck I want to be on your team! LOL
also love your layouts using Kathy's stuff... isn't it fantastic?
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