Went and saw the movie Serenity. It is made by the creator of Buffy and Angel. I know I might be just a sci-fi nerd, nut it rocked. Now I don't know if any of you watched the one season wonder Firefly on Fox. Well Fox screwed up. They didn't even show the last 2 episodes of it before it was gone. So after a lot of convincing they released the whole season on DVD and it broke Fox studio records. Thankfully as a result they agreed to let the makers of Firefly make a movie. And that movie is Serenity. It's kind of like Star Wars if it had been about Hans Solo instead of about Luke. You can watch the first 9 minutes of the movie here. Endearing characters, great action, and a girl who kick butt more than any other girl I have ever seen in ANY movie. Really she rocked my world. You could pay me millions of dollars and give me a year to train and I NEVER would be able to pull off the things that girl did.
Here she is. Lookin like she is gonna go buck wild. It was just a good action movie. It deserves a sequel or another season. Go see it tomorrow!!! This weekend determines whether or not they do a sequel or season. It has gotten amazing reviews for an unknown show and has done amazing on yahoo movies. So go see it. Please? LOL. I want another season or sequel. Even if just for me? What a sci-fi geek I am. And darn proud of it LOL LOL. Boo hoo where are the ScreenSavers? *cry*
From another sci-fi geek, thanks for the review. Hubby wants to see this movie so much!! We love the show.
I LOVE SERENITY!!! I Love Firefly, too. My DH borrwed someone's copy of the DVDs and we kept them for weeks because I couldn't let them go. However, the stinky guy who owned them thought he should get them back, so we don't have them now! Anyway, I LOVE FIREFLY and SERENITY and I LOVE JOSS WHEDON!!!!!
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